Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

22 October 2008

as my lawyer I advise you

Heavy ____ flew in to CenCal to interview with the Big Red S. If he gets in, they have no idea what a back door I will make this. Fair warning, fellas- there it is. He stayed in San Jose for bidness, and travelled down here ( each way an hour and a half more or less) for not 1 but 2 rides during his stay. The least I could do was ignore my now healing saddle sores and ride.

As I have said before, Mr. Heavy (as my legal counsel he tells me to do things) is a Man Who Will Make The Effort, and that is a rare thing in this time. Tell me it's not true- tell me you can name mmmm 6 people who do what they say they will (and don't just idly make plans and then bail when it actually comes down to the effort). Count them off on the fingers of one hand right now. You can't. Because most people, whether they mean well or not, at heart are lacking sand.

Not this yahoo:

Obligatory Great White Hunter shot.

Heavy had spotted this poor bastard on the way down from San Jose, so we stopped here on the way up the hill to honor our fallen comrade by harvesting his antlers for future incorporation into an ofrenda de las bicicletas shrine. Moreover by doing it via las biclicetas as part of a sanctioned Church ride.

Shortly thereafter we stashed the antlers in the trees (antlers are pokey!). Immediately following the break in which we checked out my seat stay real close up, Heavy crashed my other bike- the newly repurposed Kampe Monkey on it's maiden voyage and later speared himself on barbed wire. All in the name of "Good Times". Or perhaps in the name of "riding just beyond your ability on a borrowed bike". Then we rode some super top secret shi_ which was fun and drank some beers in the woods.

This from a guy who advised me to ride through the woods with a thin pack full of antlers?

It really is all about making the effort.


Juancho said...

where have you been all my life. How much for the antlers? I can pay in deutschmarks.

reverend dick said...

Those antlers are a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom.