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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

23 October 2008

conditioned thinking

I think:
Most people are unable to look past their handy screen of interpretation. Which, for our purpose today, we can label as MEdia. Magazines, television (TV is a nickname, and I only use nicknames with friends!), and movies. Oh, and this blog.

If someone looks a certain way, people interpret them accordingly. That means bringing to the experience expectations based on Type. "Beautiful" people can do little wrong- and that easily glossed over. Woe to the slobby, ugly, or overweight _utha_ucka with whatever they try.

California is nasty like that, but it's all over your town, too.


Anonymous said...

so, given where you live, is this a suprise?

I say stab the motherfluckers, grab their hearts out and show it to them.

Or, just ask: Does being an asshole come naturally, or do you put a lot of work into it?

Juancho said...

I always feel jumpy when I first get to California, like I need to apologize for existing-then I get some pork rinds and say f@ck'em.

reverend dick said...

Nah, it's not surprising. It just really makes itself felt at times.

I presented this a little simplistically. I'm trying to say: I think people are so conditioned by the stories they tell themselves that it becomes impossible for them to reckon with anything other than a familiar story arc, plot line or established character. Not just that we all want to "do" some nice looking body.

In the latest issue of Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi writes an article titled “The Return of Rove”, in which he gives reason for the return of Rove being possible:
“because this generation of Americans has become so steeped in greed and social Darwinism that it can no longer distinguish between cheating and acheiving, between enterprise and crime, and can’t bring itself to criticize winners any more than it knows how to be nice to losers.”

Human Wrecking Ball said...

Okay I'm sorry about the fat F#$^* in an S.U.V. comment. It was a blanket generalization and I regret it almost as much as I regret the light turning green before I got to that individual person that deserves to be taken on a case by case basis.

reverend dick said...


Dang. Ok,ok. I hereby revise my highbrow highroad thinking to this end:
FUCK ALL MUMFUCKIN' MOFOS WHO HASSLE US WITH THEIR SHITTY AUTOS!!!! They are ALL (without exceptions) deserving of nothing save a punch to the ear.

Human Wrecking Ball said...

I feel better thanks.

Gunnar Berg said...

As a well-turned elitist intellectual myself, I feel that clothes do make the man. My late friend Phil W. was a biker, as in Harley-Davidson. Phil looked bad, real bad. This was pre-credit card and one day I asked him where he had his checking account. He said, "Hell, when you look like I do, you have to show an I.D. to pay cash". Phil was intellegent, talented and a joy to have as a friend - a hell of a good man. He was what all the wannabe middleclass bikers pretend to be, or aspire to be.

bloodline said...

mpls has this nice to your face talk behind your back thing goin' on