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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

01 October 2008

Man Learnin'

" think about this little scene. Apply it to your life. If your work isn't what you love, then something is not right."


Teaching the boy about how to shut the toilet water valve off. (This house and it's effing plumbing...) I figure this is something he needs to know because A) he's a guy, and B) as such he'll be the one filling the toilet up with crap. He's also a TP abuser.

Doin some learnin myself at the J-O-B. I had a fella come in with a severe scoliosis. It looked like a sea cucumber was lying beneath his skin. I've never worked with such an extreme curvature, and it threw me out of any routine work into which I might have fallen. And in spite of the vertebral meander, his shoulders were even and level and he had great muscle tone. Though the gap between his ribcage and pelvis was maybe a finger wide on the affected side. So I tried for length, figuring he was having none of that in general. It was a good thing, working on that guy. He has an effed up body but he is taking superbe care of it, and is motivated to effect whatever change he can. You can say "Yeah, but who wouldn't?", to whichI'd reply,"Seems like most folks aren't interested in real improvement, just a shot in the arm."

It can take time to get that improvement. So, 2 people walk into a bar with a pain in the leg. Each has the same muscles involved, given the area, but the specifics can vary a lot. Compensation for an injury (splinting or holding the injured area results in changed posture and range of motion) can become a more debilitating problem than the original injury. For example: you hurt your right foot, so you weight your left side more and walk with a hitch in your git along The initial problem can be resolved and still you have the adaptation which ripples to successive joints, so that right foot problem has now settled in your left hip.

That's complicated. Too few people will take the long view it can require. It's refreshing and reinspiring to work with that clearly in mind.Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to front like I'm not a jackass. But I am a jackass with aspirations.


Human Wrecking Ball said...

Well, I think a jackass thats willing to learn is way better than an owl with his head up his arse!
Siddown the rest of us jackass's saved you a seat!

bloodline said...

toilet training, i got the same plumbing but too many spiders next to shut-off vale for j----