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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

06 August 2008

Dancing on the pedals

Phil Liggett voice over:
"Look at the big man of the peloton, he's really digging deep to pull that Xtracycle over the mountain. Oh my gosh, his little passenger is offering huge words of encouragement..."

We rode to the doctor appointment for J to have his preschool phys
ical, and he told me: "Papa, it looks like you're dancing." Seeing me from behind on his Xtracycle perch. You know I love that. I've never coached him to say anything like that, or nothing. It's between him and Phil. Love that!

D and N came too. Pout/complain-fest for N (as usual) to start, and then she had fun (as usual) on the ride as a whole. Drives me nuts. We took the back streets thru Carmel to the PB Gate, and just after the Gate we hit the trails. It's a good route that gets all the climbing out of the way quickly- which is necessary for the kids to maintain a good outlook.

N has a computer on her bike (I don't love them): 7.45 miles to get there. At 35lbs and 40.5 ", J received 3 shots. He did not love that.

Back on the trails for Brown Lunch. We hit the trash can lid spot again, and we were starving...

You can see the fundamentals laid out on the lid: black beans, spinach&rice, and the spice bag. The spice bag is my newest Great Idea. You can see it contains roasted hazlenuts, pecans, sesame seeds, chile powder, oregano, cumin, and sea salt. Prepackaged at home for easy use. And so I stop forgetting spices.

The use of a single fuel tab and whatever twigs are at hand. The trusty Esbit.

Hobo eats.

No fires!

D, exhausted from ruling it all day. 14.89 miles total. We're working toward a bike camping trip next week. I'm training for the SSWC2008, which I will poach and win. Dude, I'm fresh off of 7 days hardcore drinking and floating. Sorry for you, my friend.


SiouxGeonz said...

poach and win? RU an egghead ? :-)

Human Wrecking Ball said...

You are the Dad I can only dream to be. My family gave me the beat down after two rides. My youngest has got skill, so it wasn't a total loss.
You need to get Juancho up there. You guys will have a trail cook off and forget to ride.
Good luck on the race!

reverend dick said...

Sue- it is only through poaching that one truly wins that particular event. I'm dead shootin certain I won in 2002 in Downieville, but there was a misunderstanding.

Ball-I am a moustachioed mule driver who lucked out in the kid department. And the wife department.
Your kids won't ride with you? Have you tried bribing them?