Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

04 August 2008

And now back to our show...

I just got tagged by the Long Burn. It was hard to not cheat by picking a book that was impressive or a favorite, but I bit the bullet and pulled "The Land of Laughs" by Johnathan Carroll off the shelf next to me:
Overhead, it zipped all of the clouds by as if they were in a speeded-up movie. The sun was a sharp and clear seal in the middle of a cobalt-blue envelope. "Are you coming? Don't worry, the little men under the graves won't bite you."

Which is just cryptic enough to be inneresting, while providing me the segue into summer riding descriptions... The Western Trip turned out not to be riding the Colorado Trail (as originally planned) due to the bail outs of several contenders. T___, J__, and I consoled ourselves with the Plan B of driving to various spots around Colorado and riding wherever we felt like. Not a bad consolation prize. The kids were at the grandparents' while we did this, and despite several issues (as a result of which, I don't expect a repeat of the offer to host them next summer) we made hay while the sun shone.

The stops were many and varied. Due to the HUGE SNOW YEAR (y'all can stop rubbing it in now) the high country was unavailable. This put the Rainbow Crest Trail (my personal favorite trail in the state) out of reach as well.
Telluride was better than I'd dared hope. I cannot believe how crowded Jud Wiebe to Mill Creek is now; I cannot believe I used to actually pedal up that trail. 4th of July riding with the crew from Honga's was one of the best times on a bike that I can't remember. I do remember that J__ the Enigma spent the day at the rear; a rare instance that was remarked upon by several people in a wondering tone, and one I thoroughly enjoyed. C_____ and G__, it was a pleasure spending the "rest day" drinking in y'all's company. Every time we stepped in to Fat Alley BBQ, cold Schlitz and shots of the bourbon of the day appeared, as if conjured from the thin air. I can't recommend this place highly enough, as a drinking vegan with a taste for fries and good people. Lizard Head to Durango was stupidly fun, not least due to the company and yielded this: "It's a continually contoured climb, with surges." Mike's latest answer to the frequent questioning of his clients. Definitely a theme.

Pick up your nearest book and go to page 123. Find the fifth sentence, and post on your blog the next three sentences. Acknowledge who tagged you, and then tag five more people.
Ok, suckers, you're up:
l'il hateful
Lockring Not Included
My Blog Rules Your Ass!
Burnham Coaching blog


fxdwhl said...

fries that taste like fish, the plight of a tipsy vegan.

i'll reluctantly play along...

reverend dick said...

Nope. Robbie at Fat Alley doesn't understand vegans or their sexy ways, but he fries his fries solely in the company of yams and okra. I definitely have done my share of overlooking, but not there.

And are you playing along with the fries in a BBQ joint like we're willingly fooling ourselves or the book thing?

Are all the restaurants in PA fish based?

fxdwhl said...

playing along with the book dealio.

it's not all breaded chinese talapia tasting fries but fish n chips is standard pub fare. most places have also moved away from frying in lard but there are hold outs.

speaking of lard, i pass a potato chip factory daily that uses such oily substance and if the winds just right it's difficult to breath for a mile or two.

reverend dick said...

We drink mostly at home so as to avoid the oily temptations and added expense. That or some random spot in the woods surrounded by bicycles.

"The Plight of the Tipsy Vegan" could be a blog of it's own.