I rode in the inaugural event last year, and I can say it was top _ucking notch. The course was demanding the way we rode it,as poor decisions were made by all. I remember at one point being told the climbing was over only to turn the corner at Veteran's and hear the gal next to me gasp "Oh God..." as the next upward pitch revealed itself. Poetry. Then there was the beer-or-spin-on-the-bat option at the top of the hill....Good Times. I'm looking forward to this year already. It'll be the only Sea Otter event in which I participate...
Spoke with the organizers, and they report that there will be manned checkpoints this year, and Zombie makeup in effect. Apparently, the Zombie Plan refers to your decisions regarding personal conduct in the (likely) event of a zombie Apocalypse...so start thinking/watching old zombie flicks now to formulate your best course of action. There will be a test(s).
The Men Behind the Scenes also claim that there will be prizes from Swobo, Surly, Yanco Pads, Hunter Cycles, BlackCat Bicycles and potential latecomers up for grabs; and a generous cash payout (ok, I made that up in the hopes of starting something) for me. No word on course- they're being very closemouthed- or the rumor that Thriller will be playing in a continuous loop.
Anyhow. There's not enough opportunities to ride around experiencing the seamy underbelly of Monterey, so take what you're offered by the "beaver of the sea."Ahahahahaha, genius.
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