Some sorry knucklehead used this search: "taint cradles". To which I can only say "Hell YEAH!"
Well, I suppose I may have mentioned something about one's taint being cradled, at some point...

And, in following this fascinating line of inquiry, I found this. So that's nice.
Felt strong today, after yesterday's rest/rain. J and I rolled out for the climb in fine spirits. At the top of the Hill, and preparing to go higher, the rear tire really began grazing the fender all of a sudden. Since I'd put on a 700x38(!) in the rear (and a 700x40 in the front! with fenders!!) for Wednesday's Brown Lunch ride, I figured my luck had it that the fender was out of adjustment for such toight tolerances. So up into a convenient tree the bike went...

which makes it so much easier to work on, and saves wear on my taint cradling british racing green Brooks.
And here found I'd broken a spoke.My poor, abused, winter wheel. Luckily (luck? ha!) I had one last spoke in the 3 spoke capacity integral holder on the left chainstay of my thoughtfully designed touring bike, the Surly Long Haul Trucker.

And luckily (hell yes, luck.) I was able to thread the spoke through the cassette, as I had no cassette cracker...

Then we trued it up and rode on about our business. I love that.
And it brought home again the importance of attitude over anything else, including even preparedness. You cannot be prepared for every eventuality, but you can have a "can do" attitude and most likely find some way to make it work. And I really love that.

In light of my new understanding of the word "taint", I am brought to wondering, what does it mean to be "tainted"?.
And who's this "Robin" that Mary-Anne is referring to?
Mary-Anne (if that IS her real name)is letting cats out of bags.Everyone knows that "Robin" is Batman's sous chef. Their relationship is well established as a Father-Son Archetype.
Open speculation as to the third member of the Trinity...just taint no Batmite.
Taint one and taint the other...must be it's own thing.
Taint (Robin and Batman) go hand in hand. Sous chef maybe? Significant other...........perhaps.
Deep in the Muff these days.....two weeks and the Love should be spread.?
it is still not Over between me and you....The "enigma"
Ahhh...the woodpile is rid of it's burden at long last. Can't swing a cat without hitting a weirdo, I guess...
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