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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

26 April 2009

quit bugging me

Did I mention I got a job? Yes. A full time work schedule started this past week, on the 9-5 training tip. I'm stoked to have work- hopefully abundance continues. It's an adjustment from being on call, and scheduling things when they suit me. When this training period is up, I'll have the luxury of working 4 "long" days to get my full time in, which will leave me 3 days to loaf around riding the bikes, so I see the light. I'll work weekends, but that is when the work is mainly and I'd rather be on the roads and trails during the week when things are quieter.

And, how can I complain?

Especially given that I was able to ride to work 2 out of the 5 days this past week. This allowed me the trial runs to figure out the timing/logistics of kid drop-offs and pick-ups. The 1st trial run I'd planned on a truncated sneaky loop to end at work. It was truncated, but by my rear brake cable snapping at the carrier. It took a while to fix (Give Thanks for barrel adjusters and carrying tools), which put me in the weeds time-wise. Mission aborted in favor of getting to work on time. No sense setting a precedent this early. They'll find out soon enough for what they're in.
The 2nd was a trial trail run, and was a sweet ride. Riding through the Monterey Pines at dawn? I'll take it. Just under 1.5 hours, with the possibility of shaving perhaps 15 minutes somewhere. There are showers at work and dry places to lock up the bike.
Looking forward to more.

Picked J up via trail-a-bike when not riding to work, and he loves that.

I have let my employers know already about my participation in (and probable winning of ) SSWC2009 in September, and the week-long debacle of Interbike following.

Finally, as a side trip from work I retrieved the sLeaZE otter's 1/2 full pint of Old Grandad from it's sandy resting place beneath the old rugged cross. Look me up if you want some.


fxdwhl said...

good to hear. road, dirt, or a mix? little over an hour isn't too shabby, you'll be getting your base mileage in no time.

Gunnar Berg said...

Yahoo. Just great. With the downturn my part time contract/consulting stuff pretty much dried up. It doesn't affect me much, but I do miss the walking around money.

reverend dick said...

It's a mix, if I do the sneaky loop, of backroad and SINGLEtrack. Otherwise I still have some nice quiet backroad, but it's much shorter. Either way I get at least one substantial climb.

The kid drop will take some fine tuning. It may end up being a mixed car/bike situation. Either way, it is Good.

Lord Hayden said...

Every good massage story has a happy ending, and this is no exception.

I was thinking of a mandatory 1/2 day once a week (Wednesday? Friday?) from my job this summer to put in a long ride at the Ord. I'll twitter YourSpace if this becomes so.

Old Nevermore said...

I myself am down to three nights a week right now. The rest of my time is spent fine-tuning my chicken coop, playing with The Lads, and drinking beer.

I call it "living the dream".

Little_Jewford said...

One week at the j-o-b (so the kiddies wont know what we are talking about) and already trying to cultivate that lifestyle.....if I actually have a job this summer, and I still live here, I vote for the long ride half day plan....though we might have to do some bargaining over the time...

congrats again...

Anonymous said...

what is this thing called "work" that you speak of?

and what exactly are you doing?

reverend dick said...

According to ?Lord Hayden I am an Adult Entertainer. I gotta get a license and a VD test...

Anonymous said...

well, i bet the pay is great in your neck of the woods for that. git'er done!

bloodline said...

my work is spotty, professional cooking
thought a job 12 miles from home would be nice...then my hours were slashed, more time to ride and garden