Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

03 September 2008

Was this you?

J pedals alone.

The release:
Yes! It's on now.

We took the training wheels off and the pedals too. Slammed the seat and let him coast for a while. It's a real smooth transition. With no pedals in the way, kids can use their legs as outriggers while they fine tune their balance. He's been hauling ass around the yard for weeks now, picking his feet up and coasting. He has a solid (rock steady) grasp on pedaling from his tour on the "trailerbike". Now he's got to get a handle on stopping- never his strong point.

That pink bike was his sister's 1st . Then his brother's 1st. Then a family friend's 1st. Then another family friend's 1st. Now it's back.

It's like the priest and the altar boy here at Church HQ. But without all the creepy undertones. And it's on.


Lord Hayden said...

Elvis lives in Carmel? I thought he was in Kalamazoo, Michigan, playing a never-ending pinochle tournament with Biggie and 2Pac

Little_Jewford said...

I fond memories of a blue coaster brake bike from my youth in Vancouver....

check this out:

macmorg said...

Elvis lives EVERYWHERE. Except for a little town in northeastern Russia where they've actually never heard of him.
Yes this was me, also it was my own dude (now six) who learned to do the two wheel boogie at the latter end of the age of two, much to the astonishment of the ignorami who thought he was a midget, not being able to grasp the concept of a small child being able to ride without training wheels.
Fuck training wheels.
That sounded a bit harsh...
The heck with training wheels.

reverend dick said...

Elvis IS everywhere.
But...isn't Michael J Fox the anti-Elvis?

Apparently Elvis is producing fine classic touring bikes in Japan.

bloodline said...

my boy's got his-self a 'kent bicycle' hand-me down.... i'm not setting him free of 'stabilizers' until he uses the coaster brake consistantly, that or maybe we switch up and he tries it like dad... he learns to feather the front brake while skiding on the rear wheel with his ass cause the rear brake cable is shot...