Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

03 March 2008

Ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike.

It's good for you, and you know you like it.

If you are stuck inside, watch Horrible People, goddammit. Or you could add this to your que.

Seriously, go ride your bike.


houvenagle said...

Can't ride, snowed in, but I really, really want to build a pyramid for no good reason...

FixieDave said...

Check out

Is not something to get into if your concerned with legalty of something ;)

Feel free to email me some questions

reverend dick said...

Hoooooouvenagle-If you build it...supposedly it'll sharpen all your knives and razorblades automatically/magically. Or it may summon weird scuttling things into your community. Either way, seems good.
You should watch Horrible People, I know you'll enjoy it.

Dave-I looked at and there I found lots of resources in the field of home distillation.And then I emailed you with my questions regarding going blind from doing it myself...

bloodline said...

going blind is a... concern, 'popskull' is what they call the 'shine with methyl alcohol, haven't done it myself. can't turn my back on my raising though, sometime i'll have to build a still, until then i'll just ride my bike.
regarding the photo: is that 'the cannibal'?

reverend dick said...
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reverend dick said...

It is il faustino, the campionissimo,
Fausto Coppi and his teammate and rival Gino Bartoli.