Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

08 March 2008

I [heart] Interbike in Vegas,baby

Because it feels so right.


Anonymous said...

In addition to the comfier bathtubs ('06), the thrift stores in Vegas are like pawn shops in any other town. Also, the cops/prosecutors are generally too busy to pursue the petty crimes we commit with much vigor. The ER room knows how to handle everything drunk cyclist swimming pool injuries to gunshot wounds...quickly. Denver, on the other hand, lets one of its star football players die after a driveby at a "stripclub." B4 you all get all Tupac on me, let's just acknowledge that it was 40 cal w/ the cops makin' it happen. Also, far too few 7-11's in Dencow. See you in Vegas. Thank you for speaking up for slovenly.

macmorg said...

Nibor, I've never seen your Blog before. I dig it. However I do not understand some of your code speak.
Soon i'll be building a 2-speed out of my old DBR frame, yes a single with a front derailleur. Why? why not dammis....
Before you give me some purist outrage (were you going to give me some purist outrage?) i'm also building up a single 29'r, probably with a flip hub.
I'm fat and underfit but I think that this is the year that Rowan will whip me into shape...
Maybe you could come out here & do some whipping too...
Much love & respect to you Rev,

reverend dick said...


Corm- Welcome, Friar. It's not my code speak you gotta look out for, it's those anonymous folks.