Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

03 December 2008

Wheels on the bike go round and round

Round and round, round and round...

10 speed cross today. Dipped down to the P.O. to wait in line and then an unusual routing of the usual dirt. It's good to switch it up. Hushed and still in the woods today. Becalmed.
That side of things always feels subtly different from my usual. It feels like mountain lion territory. (The big town cat was spotted again, night before last down by the Mission.) It feels like some guy has it in for me could be around the corner, any corner. Maybe that one? Think of lines, ways out. Listen close. Creep.

Then it was familiar fast lines over to the Good Spot to drop off some Easter Eggs...

Today was not the day for lingering there, dipping into the stock. Today was for keep on movin don't stop. Bluebird and crisp.

North through CSide(!) out to Fort Ord, thinking I'd get some rolly goodness in.There was this

squatting on the trailhead like a very unwelcome toad. You remember the evidence of surveying? This
is how imminent the wreckage of those sweet sweet roller trails are. All the goodness that East Garrison holds is on the block. Here's hoping the money runs out, and quick.

Ti-i-i-ime was not on my side. Tarried at the Stairs long enough to eat some lunch and then turn around. Got to get them kids.

Hey Moab! Really, really good to hear from you. So glad to know the proposed drilling has been cancelled. These crooks can't be gone from the Executive Office soon enough.


Human Wrecking Ball said...

P.B.R.... Nice, watch out for the big electric CAT!
Do you dudes carry any anti cat weapons?

reverend dick said...

Sadly, no. And the only effective weapon in that fight seems to be lots of dollars. The (proposed) equestrian center is getting some, and I recall $30 million being their tune. 2 separate cities are taking their cuts straight to the developers because, even though there is NO WATER, you can see the ocean. And the University of California is picking some up as well for campus and housing. Lots of good riding going away.

There will remain plenty to ride as well, just not my personal favorites. I guess our only weapon is having a Good Time.