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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

15 January 2008

The Road...

So over Christmas holidays we went to Colorado to visit family & ski. On the way, I finished my book. I had to get another one in St. George, Utah. St. George, you got great riding, but you are a cultural wasteland. I will now write publicly: Mormonism is dumb and a little scary. For what it's worth from a guy pushing bike love worship. So I was at Target (it's right next to the highway) looking for a book. point being, I knew Cormac McCarthy's " The Road " was going to be a bummer, but I had no choice. I've read most of his work, so I know what kind of dark, apocalyptic vision he can present. Well...GIANT BUMMER. Amazing language, incredible imagery, engrossing story- and moving as hell. Giant bummer. Giant.

The main thing I took was the message regarding parenting. (Not to be a spoiler, cuz I know you wanna read it) The father does what every good parent will: Love his child(ren) and protect them from/ prepare them for the world,Educate them in goodness and knowledge. To " carry the light". As a father, it really broke me up. I was wrecked, and then I found this.

I mean, there's an Apocalypse in every lifetime...when you die. Apocalypses for all my friends!

J and I were on the road today. We took a little spin out to the stairs and cooked up some lunch. The Esbit stove and some lentil soup on a chilly day.

Good times. Btw, top image is from another I've pilfered from this worthwhile site.


grommet said...

I think you are on something Reverend...I mean, on to something. I keep having flashbacks of watching old early 80's fishing shows with my father on Sundays. Father and Son going out on the weekends catching a few fish for the camera. We would have to incorporate some heavy tones of violence or random acts of child abuse to make it fly on the networks. I've always wanted to produce some short films/series....I have a hook up with some of the local Mormon television stations. I can see it......"Underneath the bikes of Heaven" Sundays at 5am MST

reverend dick said...

Grommet- you appear to be on something here too. Maybe we could skip the overt beatings and just imply things with regard to the reasons we have to hide in the woods instead of going nice places like the mall.
Or maybe I could borrow your kids, and we could really ham it up...