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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

10 January 2008

Cleanin up

J and I gave some back today, cleaning up after the storm. Lots of debris down in the trails around here now, and Monterey Pines in particular drop branches like hats. So we climbed up, cleaning deadfall as we went, until we came to the maritime chaparral seen below...

Today's light really made the Manzanita shine red. Click and see the contrast with the lichen.

J, having lunch. He insisted on sitting on my pack. Later he crapped out, expressing his impact with the wall by saying we should stop for lunch. I reminded him we already had and he claimed we hadn't had lunch at all...But I have proof we stopped.I had to carry him the last section on my shoulders.

Really the main thing we focused on for these trails was this:

Got the long-handled clippers out and went to town. I HATE POISON OAK. I really hate it. When we first moved to Cali ( central coast, bitches) it didn't affect me. This happy circumstance continued for almost 2 years, my halcyon days. I bragged about how poison oak didn't bother me, y'all are soft. Talky talk talk. Well, I pay now. This stuff is virile. It sneaks up on you like allergies, and levels you. Itch to drive you mad for weeks. I know people (ok, a person) who ride with a bottle of alcohol or wipes in case of contact. It's the main reason I see for wearing knickers. And it grows everywhere here, and in at least 3 different ways- as bushes, climbing like vines, or stand alone shoots...gah. Well, winter is the time to deal with it, and today we made the oak pay.

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