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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

21 January 2008

Fairies prettier than your mouth

A few nights ago, N lost another tooth. They just keep falling out of her head...

She's a sweet kid, and we make sure things go as well as possible for her. She's a good sport. But she's fed up with her rotten Tooth Fairy, and I don't blame her.

It's common knowledge that all kids are assigned personal tooth fairies at birth, or at least upon emergence of his/her first tooth. There's just no way a single fairy could keep up with that kind of workload-worldwide pickup? Not to mention exchange rates and different currencies. Santa aside, the Tooth Fairy is personal. And around here, I've heard of inflated tooth prices of $20 U.S. (I'm dead serious about that, by the way).

Well, our children have been assigned more frugal fairies- a condition that has been cause for some grumbling, especially after hearing about the blinged out Cali-fairies. And until now, we've stayed out of the whole thing, knowing it's out of our jurisdiction.

Our kids get dimes.

Which makes sense to me. I mean, fairies are little. They can't be airborne with big bills like quarters, to say nothing of the problems of aerodynamics involved in the transport of $20 in paper. And, plus I got dimes when I was little.

It never occurred to me, as a child, to contact the Tooth Fairy for any reason. Mine was reliable as I recall. Times have changed. N's tooth officer has been a little lax. There was an unacceptable lag of about a week last fall. N wrote the following just after Halloween...

Damn. I was really hoping that would be legible. Ok...
"Dear Tooth faire, I think you have been unfair. You sciped Me twice. I like you but please be more careful about when you take my teeth. I would like you to write back. What color hair do you have? Thanks, Love, N PS. Write down here-" And the fairy responded in tiny writing"Dear N, I apologize for missing your tooth. I was off duty for the Halloween Fairy Ball in New Orleans, and I lost track of my regular life...there were lots of handsome frogs to kiss and make princes out of and the punch was very very strong. Then I went to the beach in Florida with some raccoons (it's a long story)- anyway, I only carry dimes because I am very small, but here are 2 dimes to make up for lost time. I will add your beautiful molar to my growing pile. Someday i will have enough teeth to build a castle (with a moat to keep out raccoons). Tooth Fairy"

Sounds like a fairly shady fairy to me. That fairy's no lady.
As for the recent extraction, the Tooth Fairy casually let 3 nights go by before mistakenly (?) leaving my little girl a penny. Brothers and Sisters- What is this world coming to?


Anonymous said...

Tooth ferries are timeless, however inflation is not. Although it is reasonable for any mind, young or old, to agree with the fact that a couple of dimes weights a lot less than quarters or even a roll of bills (scrilla). Especially for a minute sprite. Logistics seems to be a good thing to learn.

reverend dick said...

badgerbadgermushroom- you seem wise in the ways of men. If you found yourself separated from your loved ones during a zombie attack, would you travel across town to save them? Or would you assume they had already succumbed (!) to the infectious bite of the undead and look out for #1?