Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

27 April 2012

act now

Ain't no joke.

Stunning fact: SLeaZE Otter turns this mother out yearly. This is a true statement. If you missed it (and I know you did) you blew it. Lots of blowing it going on. Carmel Bob and his sideshow freak posse work their fingers to the bone and what a they get?


I visited the official SLeaZE Otter sweat shop and checked out the prizes:

If you showed, you know. If not, you still don't.

Fist Frank knows. Knows how to rule it in full regalia.

My fancy pants Supernova E3 (800 lumen?!?) dynohub powered light was phenomenal. Ain't no joke.

I rode up and over the hill with my fellow revelers and then rode around the course alternately cheating and heckling. The HantaVirusRamp was an especially well executed bit of custom guerilla race coursemanship. Those who rode it were not disappointed. Those who were skeered were silly- it was perfectly safe! It just looked rickety and pitchy. And, plus, the Underground Niteclub at the bunker #5 was a super elaborate hoax of fun. Inspired work, boys.

I heard rumors it may or may not happen again next year.

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