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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

06 March 2012

wheeling and high rolling

To my Brothers ____, _____, the M_____ ___ing ___ ____ and my Sisters ____, ___ and my Mrs...

Thank Yous, Sorrys, May Is, Letss.

What I don't know about shoulders, now I am learning. I can consider this an opportunity to restructure my life and step up with a recovery based on rest, ice, my herbals, diet, yoga, bodywork, and conditioning or I can mope around being grumpy because I hurt and can't do what I want.

So far, I feel both options hold their appeal. My allegiance is shaky. If you have not been seriously injured recently (Be glad!) you have forgotten how...unsettling it is. When your anatomy is not arranged the same as it was yesterday (you know, how it's supposed to be), it makes you feel like puking- clammy, sweaty sit down guaranteed. That was the very morning after the crash, getting up and going to the ER, and though the nausea has gone, the feeling of discomfort in my own skin remains. As the swelling subsides, it becomes easier. Familiarity with my new range of possible shoulder positions increases that limited and Injury-governed sphere thru the very fact of reaching out for that limit. Won't be no $6 million, but I'm a be better faster and stronger.

In the mean time it's a bitch.

Change is hard. If I'm forced to throw out the baby, at least I can throw out the the bath water. I axed innocent bystander #2 if this were not a wake up call on the one hand. He feels "the city of moterey booby trapped [my] ass. Haha." This, since "we seem to be fine riding techy trails and dealing with traffic." Anyhow, it's important to keep a sense of decorum. Respect where it is due, etc.

Now I will single-handedly (see?) turn this website into a all about my injury soap opera. Yay! Boo.

Also: I thought it was funny to hear about Customer ______, who came in to the shop and asked employee ____ if he raced. Upon being told that the employee did not race, the customer said, "That's OK. Don't feel bad. Not everyone is good at competition." If that sounds like someone you know, then it probably is. This guy's rides are hardcore training sessions. Not just stupid fun. Training is cool if you love it. Racing is a tough Good Time! But if it's just a way for you to be a jerk...a fast jerk is still a jerk.


Apis said...

This post makes me want to dig out the DVD of my post-op radiology from my crash in 2008. Wicked cool views of the inside of my skull with my bony septum destroyed and my right eye orbital missing @ 60% of the bone I was borned with.

Funny how much damage a pencil-sized stick can do when jammed through one's eye socket.

reverend dick said...

Thus spake the cyclops. Necessarily a voice of Wisdom by virtue of having survived the transformation.

This and the photoshopped xray with a wiener down the throat lead me to believe this crisis is being poopooed in certain circles. No rest for the wicked.

Lord Hayden said...

Damn, I was going to photoshop a midget raising the roof b/t your separation but I would have been totally outclassed by a throat wiener.

If it makes you feel any better my left knee hurts during riding and anytime it's in the same position for more than 5 minutes.

Little_Jewford said...

Also, if it makes you feel any better my back problems flair up when I lie on the couch all day watching bad tv....

John Jaramillo said...

Yowza Yikes Sonofabitch that's gotta musta HURT Rev!!
Triplin up on the healing vibes your way!

Freewheel said...

I've been told that beer has many healing properties.

fxdwhl said...

Heal up dude. A broken body that once worked just fine is unsettling. Theres no shame in having a weiner in ones throat either if that's your thing. Don't take any guff from these swine.

Fahzure said...

Eat 2 oz of seaweed a day. Think about/do other things.