My Valentine made it possible for me to go long. From home to here to home. Mostly dirt! But I'll tell you what- there is more dirt to be had once someone finds the connector trail down that one North face and across that field. There has to be one.
"Here" is between Ryan Ranch and South Boundary Rd. It's a trail set I usually avoid, because the initial flow from the Frog Pond is not great; it's walking-for-sure steep to the ridge.
But then you are here for a while. which is nice. And while it doesn't stay as nice, and there are bits on the road, you can stay mainly dirt all the way past that one private school (I forget the name) before jumping back on South Boundary for the climb up the backside to here:
Lookit that ribbon. Follow that for a while, and then it's fresh tracks down 50! At least sometimes. Like today, when you could've dropped 50 and then zippity doodahed your way up 49 to climb 82 and all that new school ridgeline junk A____ R_____ adds on(84 and what not) to drop 82 and then climb up 50 on the other side for this:
Super bright unconnected duo.
Then there is the possibility of a backwards Mud Hen Express to here: Where this guy was digging for ground dwelling bees? For honey I guess?
That is one of the uppermost wetland areas. The lower wetlands are refilling up real nicely from all this rain I called down. The ducks are already working the lowest of the low under 49.
More razing: And reflecting on today's version of the constantly in flux view from the Stairs.
Ride bikes?
Swung by Old T____'s place in CSide(!) for a debate about the ridership in the upcoming ATOC. I gotta say,I am with Burt Friggin' Hoovis on this. And I must add my fervent wish that Contador chafe at the bit and rip Astana apart come Tour day France time! You think Hinault held on like a badger? That's nothing on what Lance would that would be bike race. Floyd? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Your boy Basso dopes. And plus, Millar is a pussy. Plain and simple, and proven on the Angliru.
Working up plans for Monday's stage. Tunitas Creek? May be too far to drive...perhaps Bonny Doon. Does anybody know anybody with a conveniently located HQ? Take the kids, mark up the road a little.
Here's a little mid-winter fun of our own up here in central Oregon. Description cut from website: 2009 Ice Criterium! Come race and party down at Swampy Lakes Snowpark, Saturday, Feb. 21. We'll get things going around 5:30, race at 7:00. Bring whatever bike you got, but be prepared for some slippery corners. $10 race entry. Central Oregon Trail Association gets the proceeds. Cash prizes for best costume and top 3.
1 comment:
Here's a little mid-winter fun of our own up here in central Oregon. Description cut from website: 2009 Ice Criterium! Come race and party down at Swampy Lakes Snowpark, Saturday, Feb. 21. We'll get things going around 5:30, race at 7:00. Bring whatever bike you got, but be prepared for some slippery corners. $10 race entry. Central Oregon Trail Association gets the proceeds. Cash prizes for best costume and top 3.
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