Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

29 January 2012

Serious Moonlight Tour

!st edition, players. Next Saturday, February 4th will be a nice close to full weekend night, and it. Is. On.

I don't see snow in the forecast for us. This can be the Full Kickass Dirt Connector Moon here in the Land of the Lotus Eaters. I will blow your minds with the sneaky get-thrus. You will blow your pants out with the gut busting efforts. We will blow the cobwebs away with some exhilarating descents. Meet at the top of the incline at half past the monkey's ass, and bring your squishy bike.

I will bring mine.

Tonight was light enough to ride by already. Well, not the technical stuff... but you could make the sweet sweet singletrack happen. 2 way dirt commute repeat. I'm feeling that old chest thumping type frogginess creeping in. You know the one, where you can kick and kick again while charging up twisty narrow ways?

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