I feel for our brethren and sistren in the colder areas, but early winter on the Wiziiziest (wiz-eye-iz-eye-est) Coast is mmmmmmmild.
Suck It, I guess.
After all this yakking about the familiar loops and the boredom, and the possibilities along other vectors, and the other...
Hypothetically speaking, would you ride it?
Would you ride it?
Speaking hypothetically.
Where the bobcats chillax, and from which there may or may not be fantastical possibilities for further backcountry pussyfooting.
Would you ride it?
Cold here.
Too cold for me to ride.
Though some hearty souls do.
You would.
Be well.
g's up hoes down. spoiler alert...innanetz forums seyz horse thing @ da ord this weekend, right when 50 gets good.
the cold's good
me and mine get the trails to ourselves
need better gloves tho'
and watch out for the hunters
Having now ridden the area, it looks like the horsey routing is pretty sensible this year. They can have #60 all day long, and frankly #82 has never been in great shape. #492 are out-of-bounds, so eff yeah.
I would most definitely ride it.
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