Yes, campers- the comin Full Strawberry Moon promises shiny Goodness to all who hear the call up. June 7th. Darkish. Be there, wherever there is for you.
Around here? Well, Santa Cruz made some noises last month about hosting this go-round. We'll see, and keep it posted. If not, well it will be warm and bright down here on the cool side of the bay and we got some BIG idears about new routing...suffice to say it involves lots of dirt, and some twisty, windy speeeeeeeeeeeeeed on the pavement.
Flamingo Ride on Sunday. Not likely for fool moon ride, but thas jus me. Perhaps those making the original sounds about SC will make it happen? I would think a gentle reminder would suffice...
A certain missus has to arise at 3:30 am Monday to catch her flight to Senegal, and I might be considered a "Cold-Hearted Snake" if I spent her last hours here for a month out in the woods. But maybe she can sleep on the plane?
If not I think we are going to ride on Saturday, if you aren't too busy wrenching on dude/ettes.
Sorry, I'm a no show too....wont get what I've got to get done done...shoulda woulda coulda...
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