Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

08 January 2009

put this in your piehole

It has been stuck in my head for days now.

You're welcome.

Summer before last, we had the Badminton net setup all summer long. It ruled- what a ridiculously fun game. I was beating my children at it mercilessly, and talking lots of trash. I told D to put one particularly amazing shot in his pipe and smoke it. He enjoyed the game in general, and thought that shuttlecock is a very funny sounding word. He later aced me, and told me to (in his piping falsetto) :"Smoke that shuttlecock!"


Lord Hayden said...

If I'm still around this summer I'd be happy to take you to the woodshed, shuttlecock-style.

Little_Jewford said...

all this shuttlecock talk is making me uncomfortable....

are we all leaving town this summer?

Anonymous said...

Dammit. I'm trying to be happily married, and there's Kim Deal again. A middle-aged male groupie is not a pretty sight. Thanks anyway. At least it wasn't the Breeders--double trouble.
Happy Trails
R___ G____
M___, U____

reverend dick said...

well, Mr. G_____, it took me a minute. Yes, ORDINARILY a middle-aged male groupie is not a pretty sight. But, consider the neighborhood round here...I'm shirtless right now, for example.
Besides, I bet she gets that a lot.

As for you PG yokels, it is not the soft and pliable shuttlecock that makes me uncomfortable it is instead this talk of the woodpile.