Coming back from Gramma's intro hike the other day, we spied N riding home from school. I alerted her to our arrival by pulling up next to her and letting loose a long blast on the horn. Just to keep her on her toes, you know.
She wanted to race.

Yeah, I let her win-what kind of parent do you think I am? But I made her work for it by swerving and making unkind gestures. Just like a regular motorist.
all good commuter training methods...hopefully you made ill witted attempts at obscenities as well...
Got to keep that edge.
Hope you remembered to yell "GET A JOB"
Right. On account of how you must not have a job if you are riding a bike.
No, sadly I forgot that one. I also neglected to scream, "GIT OFF A THA ROAD, FAG!"
I will have to continue her education...
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