Sunshine saw me up and over, packing some trail maintenance gear (I looked and looked for the folding saw, but nope. Since it doesn't do to be spotted on trails packing a saw, I tried to arrange the one I could find- handled and sheathed- as inconspicuously as I could) and a guidebook... neither of which were called up; no dead falls in my neck of the woods to do more work than has been done, and no mushrooms looked edible. I guess the sunny weekend saw a lot of hunters.
Wet and spongy in places. Better to wait for a while to ride in the trees, as I found PG to be boggy and sloppy- HEY! Pacific Grove! Do you even ride bikes? The trails over there are in pitiful shape... Not my problem, as I won't be going back for another 13 months or so.
Anyhoo, here is the Monterey y'all want to see and I never show you:
Westward, ho.
What does it say that this
is what I see?
This is the East. I usually avoid this section of things, as it is a true tourist cluster_uck. So there it is and enjoy.
The Monterey Pine loaded trails up through PG and into Pebble being what they are, here's some things:
The plastic packed Early Times has been in place long enough to concern me that the booze is disolving the plastic- that can happen, right? But the mouths of the cached cans of beer have been getting a gnarly mustiness to them, so it is just what is needed to cut that. Note the full topped PBR. It is some science type sterilization going down.
Good to be on the bike.
Maritime chaparral, here I come. Fort Ord is the set up Goods on account of the eggslellent drainage properties of all that sand.
I need to do so much maintenance. As a good friend says: I recommend replacement. a.k.a. I hate my drive-train.
I did motivate to pull off the shellacky tape and adjust the angle of the levers on the Le Tour. Before:
I'mma ride it bald for a few days to see if this truly is the angle I want before putting on the fancy sky bleu cotton tape and shellacking it all into some celeste-ial greenery. You can't teach me, but I can learn the hard way eventually.
Did some work on the kids' bikes; big bike camping coming up. Location to be decided/announced. Do y'all even ride bikes?
you may get the rain but I still see green in your surroundings. be thankful as all we have are varying shades of gray (white today with the snow but it'll turn gray or melt off). my local park could use some luv, at least some raking after we thaw out for good. I approve of your cleansing thru booze too.
you may get the rain but I still see green in your surroundings. be thankful as all we have are varying shades of gray (white today with the snow but it'll turn gray or melt off). my local park could use some luv, at least some raking after
we thaw out for good. I approve of your cleansing thru booze too.
You do live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Don't take it for granted.
Monterey is ugly, Oakland is dangerous, and the weather here is heinous. Don't come here.
Don't worry. I won't.
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