Like shooting ish in a arrel of onkeys?
It's not what you heard. I spent the earlier hours swapping handlebars, replacing cables/housing, etc. to remake (yes, again...it's a process) the Kampe Monkey. Then it was out! Up! And over:

...to meet J at Outdoor World and "look at BB guns." I'm saying: no one just looks at BB guns. I'm also saying: whatever genius of happy circumstance placed the liquor store right next to the camping goods store is a mastermind!
I'm just so pleased with this development. I've been wanting a BB gun since the Goosebeery Mesa interlude following last fall's Interbike. Thanks for the motivation, J!

We had to give some careful thought to carrying the rifles. It won't be a pleasant or happily concluded interaction with Johnny Law that begins with getting stopped for carrying a gun, and moves on to include the booze. No.

I disguised my lever action (cuz I'm old skool) Red Ryder BB Gun as an umbrella. A bumbershoot, if you prefer. A brolly. The scissor-like action of the jury-rigged nylon carry strap and the heavily laden 12 pack bag slowly and progressively cut off circulation to my brain. Oh, I accounted for it by loosening them repeatedly and by not being so smart with which to begin.
We rode through Cside! to practice our art in Fort Ord. The disguises worked perfectly.
On the bike path out Gen Jim Moore, we ran into K____ and drank beers while the sun went down. What else are you gonna do? By the time we got to some dirt, it was well and truly dark.

The beauty of combining cheap canned beer and BB guns is so synchronicitous as to be indescribable. I mean, every time you drink a beer you have a fresh target. It's incentivized!

This is not over.
Like the caption picture. I love kids - our future. They're going to be so much better than we have been.
I be out riding too, if it didn't involve a frickin parka, choppers and heavy boots.
get a pistol...duhh...
bow and arrows next...
Naaaah. I wanted the long gun. Now alls I need is a leather scabard mounted on the right fork leg.
Sweet slingshot with GLASS AMMO!!!! next...
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