Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

23 May 2008

what you've been waiting for.

"...then you get the free hooker every night... You really cannot go wrong with this."

"What fun is it to go riding around, just to wineries and stuff, when you can be banging the hookers?"

I'm very pumped up about his offer. Maybe if a few of y'all will throw your lot in with me, we can get the group discount.


Anonymous said...

The Bourbon Trail:

Anonymous said...

I'm in Rev. You can be Lance Armstrong though. I wanna be somebody famous with TWO nuts on this ride. The extra weight might slow me down on the climbs, but I'm willing to sacrifice some .001 seconds in this case.

It'll be awesome. Like a stage race.

Everytime I get ready to cross the finish line (first no doubt), I'll sit up, zip up my fleece, and throw my arms in the air as my name is cheered oh so loudly.

I just hope the "stages" aren't as old as many of the actual Euro races they emulate. I don't wanna be dealing with no 108 year old classic.
I want smooth roads too. No broken up cobblestoned stuff. Gross.

And one last thing. Will Phil Ligget and Paul Sherwen be there to call the play by play??

The Minister said...

What a horribly convincing ad. When are you planning the "tour de whoure?" ;)
Funniest thing today.