I wanna talk about SSWC09, which is coming up quick, like Michael Jackson's restless plastic-encased zombie self being summoned by elementary aged devil worshipers. (too soon?) What are your plans? Make them known in the comments.
Regarding my own best laid plans...I have feelers out. If I have tried to feel you, and you have not responded...best do so quick. The quicker the better, or it'll get worse. Much, much worse. You know this in your heart. Don't make it harder than it has to be.
I will begin training to winnnnnnnnnnn....now!

a group of friends is going from Tulsa. one of them is entering one of his handmades in the Handmade Bike Show.
i'm thinking about going. kinda. a lil' bit. sorta. maybe.
my plan is to read all about it in various blogs afterwards
Plans, yeah. I'll just check in with the boys who pay money to ride their bikes. I got 'em working in shifts!
Dude did you just drive by BASTARD! me? Nice one....never saw it coming.
placid casual for the win.
None of you lurkers have plans?
I'm in Disneyworld bitch! I'll communicate upon my return.
i'm going and i'm going there to win.
unless you're using an alias, i don't see your name on the start list. or perhaps you're racing guerilla style.....
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