Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

03 June 2008

fact checking for phil ligget

Maybe the last Brown Lunch until Fall? Summit Road burned for over a week. More than 4,000 acres up in smoke. Nobody wants more of that.

I wasn't thinking about Summit when J and I started up the hill this morning, just about time constraints keeping us from heading out to the Stairs. When I told J we weren't going all the way, J said "Secret Spot?" (love that guy) and I said, "Nope. Pebble." He was less than enthused, but came around. We climbed the fire roads and trails up towards Huckleberry, thinking we'd lunch above the quarry but there were cars there so we kept on. There were CDC/Fire crews clearing brush all around Huckleberry. The cons got a kick out us as a spectacle, but it didn't seem like a wise place to stop and start a small fire.

So on with the jacket and back down to the fire road. A little more down and there you go. Nice spot on the edge of a huge amphitheater of ferns, Coast Live Oaks and Monterey Pines. There was a nice log to sit on, and we unpacked our adjectives. We'd spotted an abandoned metal trash can lid in the trees, so we used that as our fire pan. We're sitting there bullshitting and J lets loose this extended, flapping honk from his pants. He looks at me, all big eyed, and says: "Papa, that was a spider!" Pauses, and then says:"Maybe it was a Brown Lunch Spider." WTF? Who raised this kid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the kid has Trouser Spiders? you might wanna get that stuff at the pet store. you know. you put in on the back of their neck. it keeps the insects n bugs n stuff off your aminals but i think it works for kids too.