The whole purpose of going to Sequoia was to celebrate some Birthdays. 2 out of 3 is good odds. Mysterious B___ S_____, you fucked up.
Mineral King was LARGE. Figured it at roughly 80 hot sweaty miles all told. We camped at the same campsite, up South Fork. T___ was the birfday king, and decreed that this time, instead of driving down to town, we rode the 12 miles down on dirt, crappier pavement, crappy pavement, and ok pavement. Then through 3 Rivers and up the Mineral King 25 mile climb. I saw a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake on the road up past the ranger station.

Man I wished I knew where I've put the dang camera! A chipmunk was standing the snake off. It kept juking towards the snake, which was slowly retreating downslope with 1/2 it's length looped out towards the (brave) chipmunk. I put my bike out (waaaay out) and shooed him off the road. I had a friend (once) in Texas who did the same, only the snake struck at him through the wheel only to recoil on the other side of some spokes, where it became tangled. He had to set his bike down and wait for some time before the snake calmed down and slithered off. I wanted to avoid that.
After that it was continue chasing up the hill and up to the Ranger Station above Silver City, where we were stopped by the fear of marmot damage.
I am not kidding when I tell y'all there were forms to be had if marmot damage or the fear of marmot damage had impacted your visit...
It was much less hot than last year. Coming from the coast, I tend to dry right out, and my sinuses crack-resulting in a bloody booger stuffed nose. And I'm a Sweater (you prolly assumed that), so I also cramp. In spite of the calcium tabs and the extra water, I cramped in the quads and the hamstrings alternately with each pedal stroke for some time. It is possible to ride through the cramps. They will go away. Only to return soon, but you can ride through and get some lessening. Changing position a lot helps. This was the first time I've ever cramped in my adductors, though, which resulted in me unclipping and pedaling feet and knees angled out like a circus monkey.Stopped in 3 Rivers for a 6 pack to go, and the "extra" bonus climb back up South Fork had me hobbling at the last beer stop, shaking my leg crazily and unable to bend it when sitting down for fear it'd lock up and stay. I spent some time that night rustling around in my bag under the stars, using the tennis ball to work out some trigger points and loosen some toight muscles.

Since, the Mysterious B___ S_____ did not show, his birfday was a rest/drive/soak in the sun at a swimming hole/drink beer day to meet the 2nd wave from the South for intersection with Birfday #3, and it's attendant drinking,

The next days Cannell Trail was equally, like, good. My legs had been shaken out and felt fine. The hour+ wait by the river for the shuttle company to get it together and send another roached out van to pick us up when the van stopped running (after 2 of our party rode down the highway to find a phone and report this, since there was neither cell reception nor a CB to be had...) was spent drinking the better part of the beers we'd brought to pack. Not unpleasant at all. And since J__ and J______ thought to bring some back with them, it worked out real convenient-like, and we were still a going concern... Incredible views and a super varied and fun trail. (The trail is routed straight across 2 boggy (and fragile) meadows, which in my opinion is short sighted. ) J__ alleges she saw a bear, but this remains unsubstantiated. The swoopy flow was there to be had, and we had it.
Respect and Love to all the Birfday Fellas. Especially Absent Friends.
P.S. I just dropped the soap in the toilet. I considered leaving it in the hopes that it might dissolve, but that seemed farfetched. So, yes, I reached in and pulled it out. No, thankfully there was nothing besides soap in there.
How do you clean up after that?
hmmmm.....I would guess you would lather up the soap to remove the top layer and any residual poop-water then use the clean sub-surface soap to clean your hands...right?
Please explain, I am baffled as to why you were using the toilet and some soap while Blogging. You are more talented than I thought.
About Birfdays (or Barfdays?), feel like coming to Crested Beaut the weekend of August 8 9 10?
I'll be celebrating 41 with some peeps, we wont be throwing any soap into any toilets though...
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