An unidentified smallish bug flew straight down my throat on the climb home. Not 10 minutes later, on the descent a wasp hit my neck, dropped down my shirt front and stung me on the right nipple. That was 4 hours ago.
My nipple still hurts.
*EDIT: Next morning? Still hurts like some small electric charge. I know some of y'all are into this kind of thing, but honestly I can't get behind it.
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maybe the bicycle gods are prepping you for the pain of receiving your first SSWC tattoo
Must be going around. I got stung by some mystery bug in the ditch of my arm a couple of days ago.
Now it's all swollen up and it feels like there's something in there.
Baby bugs, I would guess.
hey...saw one of your rides (unless you tagged someone elses) at "the shop"....I thought you had mad bike skillz?
Going to miss Friday ... in SF ...
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