Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

27 May 2010

You do what you do because you want to

I do what I do because Bob fucking told me to. It's time we got some Old Time Fire and Brimstone back in this bissh.

I'm feeling a need to tighten my gyre some, the falconer's call has become indistinct.
Sometimes now I ride the bike. That's when things are Rightest.

Anyhow, here's some pictures:

Damn. I know you haven't seen this thing in yeeeeears. I'm experimenting with making the Soulcraft SS comfortable to ride. I had this bike made in 2001, when I was trying for room in the cockpit with TT length, and no thought of HT. It has a little baby HT, and is too long and too low, so it's been hanging while I ignore it or idly speculate about selling it. This recently installed squishy fork (while it does push the rigid scpecced front end up to a comfortable height) makes for some strange, floppy, laid back handling.

Those bars? Well. "How many clowns can you fit in there?" has always been a question that holds my interest.

Fat drunk and slow is one way to get through a bike ride.

Tonight is the Full Moon. If it ain't raining in your town, you know what to do.

05 May 2010

fibrous networks of Self

Sometimes the road is rocky along the way boys.

Injury, heartache, trouble and loss. Riding bikes is bringing me back. Slowly, slowly. I feel dangerously close to decrepitude.

The Stairs are gone.

Same old used to be.

They are gone, but potentially salvagable at this late date. Who's got 2 strong/willing friends and an Xtracycle...?

The trail has been glazed over. This section of Fort Ord is ruined fro twisty singletrack until further notice. Do not start with trails, do not pass wildlife.

I got ambitious that day and really overextended myself. Cold rain, and pulled muscles. Dang, the traction was so good.

Sunny days.

Wanna know what is inspiring to me right now?

This is a way to get to work! Isn't that great? There are all these little snatches of trail within the city (well, town anyway) and they can be overlooked or seen for the gems they are.

It is time to be covered up. Tall socks and long sleeves keep los garrapatas y los poison oak away.

One of these days, when you hear a voice say "Come" where you gonna run to?

And as far as the Sleaze Otter went? All the stories you heard were true. And, some piggies need to understand fun is not cast out in the mud before you; you have a role therein.