Sometimes we camp at the Secret Spot. There's a reason it's secret. When we're there, or near there on trails, it's time for scary pirate stories. My favorites involve Rupert Tompkins a.k.a. The Skull Ghost, and Salivatin' Annie ( who was a witch in addition to her piracy- for both of which she was hanged until dead so she's a ghost as well). N and D really get involved with these tales out in the maritime chaparral. If it's near dark, N will ask me to quit telling them...especially when we're near the Gallows.
The Secret Spot can "only" be accessed by bike, roughly 2 miles from the trailhead. It's great incentive for the kids to ride, and a couple times now we've ridden to/from home which makes maybe 14 miles each way. This is definitely an overnighter- 28 miles in one would not be fun or successful. The kids agree to go because in addition to scaring them I lug all their stuff too. Xtracycle loaded with gear and trailer loaded with J & food. Boba Fet brings herself only, cuz biking's not her thing though camping is.
These photos show the most recent overnight. N chose to ride her 26" townie because it would make the longer portion of the ride (street and bike path) that much easier than her 24" mountain bike. It was interesting to hear a 10 year old's perspective on the relative merits of horses for courses. Everything's a compromise, and this was driven home in the 2 miles of relatively hardpacked sand with a few deep, grabby stretches . She says she's happy with the trade off. She even offered to haul her personal items in her basket.
Dude, that shit is creepy with the eyes all blacked out!?....
I became comfortable with that format during the early phases of my research into victim also, to me, represents the freedom you to can experience if you only block out your crude visual sense and rely instead on your chi. You can focus your chi on downhills and stuff by saying "hooouuuf" or "dang".
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