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Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

25 October 2008

Cross bikes in the pearly light

Slept late; led to frantic jamming of gear into a musette (not my camelbak-which I only wear if I must, but what has happened to all my bladders? I think someone is throwing them out when I'm not looking) and jumping up the hill on the Kampe Monkey this morning to meet ____ on top of Huckleberry. He is relatively new to the peninsula, so we rambled some down Veteran's trails and dog-legged our way through Cside(!) seeing what's rideable on our way to Fort Ord. Picked up _____ at the water tank and hit some dirt. I must admit I took some pleasure in dragging those guys around (always knowing what's around the corner is a big leveler) in the sand and the tight Manzanita corridors.

I got no pictures (dead batteries) of those guys coming to a full stop in the one sand pit, but you can imagine. Slapstick. I will admit I cheated; running 29x2.1s will allow a brother to float over lots of stuff. Nice loop on trails that cry out to be linked in certain orders for best effect. Linked and linked.

That's what cross bikes are good for aside from the racing. You want to ride to a trail? You see a trail and wonder where it goes? You like to ramble?

Find out, man.

And plus, these bags look very useful and fun know, speaking of camping bikes and all.


fxdwhl said...

ride to the ride is goodness. as are large wheels. have some cog shots and a math lesson for ya but it's late over here. check back later.

Tony said...

Hey Rev, if you dig those bags, check out Eric's over at Epic Designs.

reverend dick said...

FW- thanks, you know I need help.

dude man, I have seen those, too.they are sweet and the guy sure does some adventuring, so you know he gets it. I wonder if the full length velcro-tube attachment style of the Carousel is better or overkill? Whatev' they're both kick ass.