Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

20 May 2008

leaving well enough alone

Again with the wrist. Rode some in Santa Cruz yesterday. Singlespeed felt good. Legs felt good. I was able to just keep the pedals turning over. Well, it helped that the folks I was chasing (as ever) knew the way to keep the grade so doable. Fast and rolling up and down singletrack goodness in the Redwoods. Lucky!
Since I've been in Ft. Ord so much lately, I've come to anticipate the amount of slip needed to maintain good lines there. The dirt is a lot different up in Santa Cruz. When I let the front end ride up the inside of the turn and expect it to slip down just so, it didn't. And that means I was pointed at the tree, not just under it. So instead of catching it on the clavicle, I put my hand out and received my impact by bending my hand back. T___ said he fully expected the scene to involve a run-over dog, judging from the noises I made. Probably a lot of high pitched squeals and some wheezing. Sorta teary, little sweaty, kinda tired...
It isn't a big deal (no swelling or severe pain), it just concerns me because wrists take a while, and are easy easy to reinjure. And I got shi_ planned that involves riding on healthy body parts!So today is ice and arnica with some recovery drinks.

J__, your hard work planning the CO Trail day by day is much appreciated.

R___, this one's for you and yours...


Anonymous said...


Little_Jewford said...

HOLY S__T....I haven't seen the worlds toughest milk man in I don't know how long. A guy I played water polo with in H.S. slipped me a copy...I went out and bought a big bound volume (Rouge to Riches, I think) and it was a mainstay on polo trips into college....

this explains the Wild Turkey...

Anonymous said...

and it explains the spandex.

macmorg said...

Sorry to hear of your pain, my friend. Nothing broken, I hope. I broke my scaphoid bone (a wee bone in the hand) a few many years back, trying to push a tree out of the way while snowboarding. Took a while to heal. Such is life. Speaking of spandex, thought you might enjoy this:

Hunter Cycles said...

super rad'O... canadians have the best sense's of humor...lets get some mugs...I finally busted open the file cabinet but I still can't find my collection...

Anonymous said...

The joke about hair loss and haircut was good =)