Next Full Moon

Sunday, May 3rd Full Flower Moon

28 January 2009

we've gone on holiday by mistake

No work? Ride.

I neglected to bring the camera on yesterday's ramble. ("Whateva, I don't need no camera all the time.") That was a mistake. Because of course, following the rains everbody is out on the bright sunny day. stRanger Danger, which caused a sudden change in route that ended up being fun. 2 Golden Eagles, one phone pole after another just sitting there, 18 or so feet above me, unconcerned.

Then that one bobcat who hangs out on top of the hill above 50/Laguna Seca side. Then a buzzard.

Passing through the plaza downtown Monterey...4 people total. 4. Slow times.

Then I found an easter egg under a strategically placed trash can lid, somewheres in the woods.

Lastly, I picked this up free off the side of the road:

if any of y'all are innerested in a free trailer, lemme know. Otherwise I will drill holes in the bottom and fill it with iced beer to drag around.

It's not in good enough shape that I'd haul a kid in it, but for stuff, it'll work fine. The hitch is a pain in the ash, but what do you want for nothin?

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